Title: MrsBrisby
Submitter: Ferisha
Description: BOY that sounds conceited! >.O By was I mad! Not at anyone in particular but more like. "I can't beleive I let myself get stuck this way." Anyhow, I take back dat awfule comment, thanks to DB who brought some things to my attention and I look back on this and realize how mean it sounds. Sorry folks. I just got tired of only drawing rodents. I DO like to make em, but I was also feeling pressured. Trapped. So I lashed out. Spose is what happens when peole feel that way. I offer an appology to those I offended. Also, I LOVE drawing cats! And dogs! Ooh!
Title: Mrs_Brisby
Submitter: Ferisha
Description: I owe quite a few people here an appology. I'm sorry for making it seem like I am mad at anyone. Or insulted peoples like/dislikes. :( The reason I left that place cause I was tired of having people focus solely on my rodent chars. >.< I wanted to draw more cats! Also more sex and gore. I also left because I am not that much into Secret of Nimh. A great movie it was, no doubt but I just wanted to expand my horizens and "do my own thing" so to speak. I only joined because being new to the intronet, I had NO IDEA where to display my art, or how too. Nor had I any idea at the time their were free art hosting webpages. :D
If I was mad at ANYBODY it was myself. No, rather, I was discusted with myself. I felt as if I was digging myself deeper and deeper into a rut of trying to please everyone else with my art instead of "doing my own thing." Now I am learning a balance. :D although I dun think I'll be posting anything non nimh here, I have entertained the thought of drawign a Justin/Jenner fight as I DO like Jenner he being my fave char in the movie. That and I REALLY loved how this last pic of Brisby and Timmy came out.
Title: Dead and gone
Submitter: Ferisha
Summary: Sometimes to make new, old things must pass away..
Description: Father time, I'm running late
I'm winding down, I'm growing tired
Seconds drift into the night
The clock just ticks till my time expires
You were once my friend
Now I know I can't tie your hands
The days I saved I couldn't spend
They fell like sand through the hourglass
No time to lose, no time to choose
Time taking time, it's taken mine
Scenes of my life seem so unkind
Time chasing time creeps up behind
I can't run forever, and time waits for no one
Not even me
An enemy I can't defend
My final days a deadly end
Life's just a speck in space
Dreams of an eternal resting place
I can't get any younger
Time has brutal hunger
Title: DoseWackyHayoominz
Submitter: Ferisha
Summary: A comission for Simon for being a cool dude. :D He requested this and although I am happy wid d way it turned out. I think he deserves better. Yes,I intentionally made the wording on the book backwards and upside down. Me and my bf thought it would be fun
Description: A comission for Simon for being a cool dude. :D He requested this and although I am happy wid d way it turned out. I think he deserves better. Yes,I intentionally made the wording on the book backwards and upside down. Me and my bf thought it would be funny. Now to read it you need to stand on yer head and look through a mirror.