Title: Goodbye
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Before when I've been upset and/or leaving a place, I have always posted a picture. Well, here's one, perhaps the last picture anyone will see from me in a very, very long time.
Some of you might know that my boyfriend, Kieron, had come over for a mont
Description: Before when I've been upset and/or leaving a place, I have always posted a picture. Well, here's one, perhaps the last picture anyone will see from me in a very, very long time.
Some of you might know that my boyfriend, Kieron, had come over for a month. Well, the day before he left, something went very wrong. I won't say what it was as it is a very private matter, but I will say that because of it, I am not allowed to speak to Kieron ever again. I don't know if his actions was an accident or if he ment for it to happen. Whatever the case, those actions have ruined everything. I am leaving all of the online communities I was once a part of, including deviantart, Thorn Valley and all of my RPG forums. I just can't do it any more.
The forums will either be deleted or given to someone else to run as they wish, and the art.... it'll just sit here. If I ever do return, it won't be for quite a long while.
I suppose this is it.... to all my friends, goodbye....
Title: Within The Shadows
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just a pic I've been working on.. for two days. It's of my two newest chars (though the red head is a sort of featured character) The blond girl is a character based off of me, Liz, and the other is Seras Victoria (From Hellsing). The thing with many eyes
Description: Just a pic I've been working on.. for two days. It's of my two newest chars (though the red head is a sort of featured character) The blond girl is a character based off of me, Liz, and the other is Seras Victoria (From Hellsing). The thing with many eyes in the background is Alucard. Someone you defenitely don't want for an enemy.
I've decided to post this for two reasons; 1) because I'm very proud of it, even with a few mistakes here and there. 2) I figured I'd take the chance to tell everyone I won't be posting things here except for thank you pics, things like that. I won't mention why, but I do have my reasons.
Anyway, hope y'all like the pic!
Title: Ooold Shitani Sketch
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Here's the original Shitani, and quite a good pic of her at that.
Description: Here's the original Shitani, and quite a good pic of her at that.
Title: Broken Hearted
Submitter: Darla
Summary: ... Now this would be one of the images that hurts. Like hell.I did this while Kieron was having a go at me because I dared to get a pet tarantla. (He was a spineless coward who was deathly afraid of spiders) Said "go" last for two and a
Description: ... Now this would be one of the images that hurts. Like hell.
I did this while my ex was having a go at me because I dared to get a pet tarantla. (He was a spineless coward who was deathly afraid of spiders)
Said "go" last for two and a half hours, in which time I broke out into tears. Twice. I'm not usually one to cry, and if I remember correctly, it's said the the boy who claims to love you will never make you cry. And he did, several times.