Title: StoneKii
Submitter: marcus
Summary: A couple of 3-4 inch Hawaiian style stone tiki (Ki'i Pohaku) made from Hawaiian basalt rock.
Description: A couple of 3-4 inch Hawaiian style stone tiki (Ki'i Pohaku) made from Hawaiian basalt rock.
Title: MoreStoneKii
Submitter: marcus
Summary: More of the same kind of tiki, still from Hawaiian basalt, still the same size range.
Description: More of the same kind of tiki, still from Hawaiian basalt, still the same size range.
Title: AkuaKaai
Submitter: marcus
Summary: Some Hawaiian style "stick gods" (Akua Kaai), made from a variety of woods, some Hawaiian, some not.
Description: Some Hawaiian style "stick gods" (Akua Kaai), made from a variety of woods, some Hawaiian, some not.
Title: AkuaKaai2
Submitter: marcus
Summary: More stick gods from Hawaii!
Description: More stick gods from Hawaii!
Title: AkuaKaai3
Submitter: marcus
Summary: Yet more stick tiki.
Description: Yet more stick tiki.
Title: EbonyAkuaKaai
Submitter: marcus
Summary: These stick gods were carved from hard ebony because the corresponding Hawaiian wood used in ancient times is now extinct.
Description: These stick gods were carved from hard ebony because the corresponding Hawaiian wood used in ancient times is now extinct.
Title: WoodKii
Submitter: marcus
Summary: A view of the 'Aumakua style tiki I have carved over the years, detailed shots of individual pieces may come later.
Description: A view of the 'Aumakua style tiki I have carved over the years, detailed shots of individual pieces may come later.
Title: MarlaTikiSide
Submitter: marcus
Summary: This little tiki is carved from softer Hawaiian lava and went to a couple in Hawaii in exchange for a whole bunch of Hawaiian basalt they are sending me.
Description: This little tiki is carved from softer Hawaiian lava and went to a couple in Hawaii in exchange for a whole bunch of Hawaiian basalt they are sending me.
Title: ShamanicTiki
Submitter: marcus
Summary: Two stone tiki of a bit larger size that were not carved to look pretty but for symbolic shamanic meaning. The small one represents a turtle spirit the tall one a shark.
Description: Two stone tiki of a bit larger size that were not carved to look pretty but for symbolic shamanic meaning. The small one represents a turtle spirit the tall one a shark.
Title: MyShamanicTurtleTiki
Submitter: marcus
Summary: When viewed from the back, the turtle tiki does look like a turtle.
Description: When viewed from the back, the turtle tiki does look like a turtle.
Title: MyShamanicSharkTiki
Submitter: marcus
Summary: From the side the shark tiki's head was shaped to look like a shark's head.
Description: From the side the shark tiki's head was shaped to look like a shark's head.
Title: AttitudeTiki
Submitter: marcus
Summary: I had to post this because I just love the attitude of this fellow. He has been promised to a friend of mine who operates a snow-cone stand.
Description: I had to post this because I just love the attitude of this fellow. He has been promised to a friend of mine who operates a snow-cone stand.