Title: None Anthro Liz
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Yeah, just some random sketch that I colored. Maybe a none-anthro Liz from a planned Hellsing RP? I'd have to run it past her new player, though. ;) Why do I always end up playing my own crushes? XD
Description: Yeah, just some random sketch that I colored. Maybe a none-anthro Liz from a planned Hellsing RP? I'd have to run it past her new player, though. ;) Why do I always end up playing my own crushes? XD
Title: Cabria
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Mmm, like how this came out.
This is Cabria, Satan's daughter. She's a Hellraiser demon, but she's actually not that bad. A little mixed up, but not out to kill the whole world. ;)
Description: Mmm, like how this came out.
This is Cabria, Satan's daughter. She's a Hellraiser demon, but she's actually not that bad. A little mixed up, but not out to kill the whole world. ;)
Title: Shitani
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Aaand here's Tani! Another Hellraiser Demon. She's a little more trouble than Cabby. ;)
Description: Aaand here's Tani! Another Hellraiser Demon. She's a little more trouble than Cabby. ;)
Title: Bathory
Submitter: Darla
Summary: And here's Bathory. Who I completely forgot to shade. XD
Description: And here's Bathory. Who I completely forgot to shade. XD
Title: Judgement
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just a quick comic thing; I should have the other pages up soon. Ish.
Well, this actually looks good IRL. Turned out looking like something Lizzo puked up once it was scanned. XD I shall have to re color it.
Oh, and I've redesigned Liz; this only giv
Description: Just a quick comic thing; I should have the other pages up soon. Ish.
Well, this actually looks good IRL. Turned out looking like something Lizzo puked up once it was scanned. XD I shall have to re color it.
Oh, and I've redesigned Liz; this only gives you hintes of what she looks like, though. ;)
Title: Judgement Page 2
Submitter: Darla
Summary: AAAAAAH! God I HATE coloring! This turned out even WORSE than the last one! Gonna; have to redo everything now. x.x
Yeah, I know just how Lizzo feels. x.x;;
Description: AAAAAAH! God I HATE coloring! This turned out even WORSE than the last one! Gonna; have to redo everything now. x.x
Yeah, I know just how Lizzo feels. x.x;;
Title: Vampires On The Beach
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Random drawing. Poor old Seras, got buried in the sand. One look at Lizzo's smug little grin will tell you who she got burried by. ;) Mmmm.... Alucard looks yummy in trunks. Or is it Alucard? It could be Cabria. Who knows? >;}
Description: Random drawing. Poor old Seras, got buried in the sand. One look at Lizzo's smug little grin will tell you who she got burried by. ;) Mmmm.... Alucard looks yummy in trunks. Or is it Alucard? It could be Cabria. Who knows? >;}
Title: Lizzo-Human
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Hmmm... actually happy with this, for a change. Yay! I did a human! :D This is Liz from the Hellsing RPG. Alucard's player seemed more interested in playing the characters as humans rather than furries. :)
Description: Hmmm... actually happy with this, for a change. Yay! I did a human! :D This is Liz from the Hellsing RPG. Alucard's player seemed more interested in playing the characters as humans rather than furries. :)
Title: Worthless, lying whore!?
Submitter: Darla
Summary: This is in reply to a lovely little poem my ex wrote for me...Alucard: Do not call my Elizabeth a worthless, lying whore!And as for the poem: When did I ruin your life?Was it when I held you?Was it when I kissed you?Was it when I loved y
Description: This is in reply to a lovely little poem my ex wrote for me...
Alucard: Do not call my Elizabeth a worthless, lying whore!
And as for the poem:
When did I ruin your life?
Was it when I held you?
Was it when I kissed you?
Was it when I loved you?
Was it when I was there for you?
Was it when I saved you?
Was it when I cared?
Was it when I took the pain away?
Was it when I healed your wounds?
Was it when I kept you safe?
Was it when I helped when no one else would?
Was it when I proposed?
Was it when I turned away from my friends for you?
Was it when I forced myself awake for you?
Was it when I told you you were perfect?
Was it when I made you feel special?
Was it when I showed you more than anyone else ever had?
Was it when I fought for us?
Or maybe it was when you betrayed me?
Maybe it was when you turned on me?
When you stabbed me in the back?
When you lied about me?
When you manipulated others?
When you abandoned me for no reason?
When you threw me away?
When you decided I wasn't worth anything anymore?
Well don't worry if all those things ruined your life
Because I won't be doing them any more
And whatever you think, I know the truth:
You ruined your own life, you worthless, lying whore
Title: Not Good Enough
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just a bit for a short story I might write down, also a bit of concept art.
Description: Just a bit for a short story I might write down, also a bit of concept art.
Title: Meet Your New Sister
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just a quick pic that came to mind while looking at http://dragon-hobbit101.deviantart.com/ 's art. She's really fun, you must visit her gallery! NOW! This is just after Liz had become a vampire (well, vampire/werewolf hybrid) and had lost her mothe
Description: Just a quick pic that came to mind while looking at [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/54649287/]Alexi[/url]'s art. She's really fun, you must visit her gallery! NOW! :D
This is just after Liz had become a vampire (well, vampire/werewolf hybrid) and had lost her mother and father to her former werewolf clan. She is not so sure about what she is going through. I even came up with a sort of story for it!
About The Art:
Hmmm.... well, I don't hate it. XD Eh, it's not bad. It was 3:00 Am, so I can't say I hate it. I'll have to practice more on my humans, though.
About The Story:
Hmmm... it was fun to write, anyway. sorry about Alexi not playing a huge role in this; I'm still learning more about her character, and I'm not entirely sure what she would do at a time like this. Hope you like it, though, Alexi!
Liz Belongs to MEEE!
Alexi belongs to
Alucard and Hellsing belong to Hokta Hirano
Liz sat on her new bed, just staring blankly at the wall. Why had this happened? And whose fault was it? Her father's? Hers? .... Or her new Master's...? Yes, that must be it, she decided. Had he left her father alone, this would have never happened.
The little hybrid sighed and slumped against the head board of her bed. This wasn't fair... It was then that there was a knock on the door, causing Elizabeth to jump. What now!? "...Yes..?" She called timidly, watching the door. It opened, revealing Alucard. Liz had to force a growl down upon seeing him, fists clenching. He smiled softly, saying, "Good evening, miss Sellars. I have someone who would like to see you." The vampire stepped aside to reviel a pretty young lady with long, raven hair that flowed gracefully down her back. Elizabeth felt a pang of jealousy... she hated having blond hair, and her father wouldn't allow her to dye it. "....Hello..." Liz said after a while, her face a picture of misery and confusion. The two other vampires stepped into her room, Alucard setting three wine glasses and a wine bottle one the small table by her bed. Strangely enough, that didn't seem like wine..
"This is Alexi," Alucard said to Elizabeth, his back to her as he began pouring a thick, red liquid into the glasses. "I would advise being kind to her, as she is very close to me.." Watching the two closely, Liz blinked, raising an eyebrow slightly... "I see..." She muttered. She turned to the other girl, who smiled shyly. "Hello," She said. "As Papa said, my name's Alexi.... what's your name?"
It took Elizabeth a moment... had she really forgotten her own name? Even for a moment..? "...Elizabeth..." She said finally, still looking very confused. Alexi nodded, asking, "So, you're my new sister, huh?" That caused Elizabeth to frown a bit... "Sister?" She muttered darkly, eyes narrowing very slightly. "Uh... yeah..." Alexi muttered, rubbing her arm nervously. "Papa adopted me, and I ... I think he adopted you, too. Isn't he your new father?"
That didn't seem to sit well with Elizabeth at all. "NO!" She yelled through bared fangs, glaring at Alexi coldly. "He ist not, und never vill be, mein fazer! He ist ze reason mein fazer ist dead!" She would have said more, but a large glass of.... something... was shoved into her hands. "Now, now, Miss Sellars." Alucard said calmly, a smirk painted across his perfect face. "That's quite enough of that." Silence filled the room, leaving Alexi looking nervous and shocked, Liz hurt, angry and confused, and Alucard... simply smiling calmly. Nothing seemed to bother him much. Certainly not a teenage girl's little outbursts.
He handed Alexi a glass as well, sipping slowly from his own. "Vhat... ist zis..?" Elizabeth muttered, glaring up at Alucard. Hate burned in her blood for that man. He had ruined everything for her... everything.. "It's blood. What else?" Came the answer. Elizabeth glanced down at her glass, muttering, "Und you expect me to drink zis?" A simple nod was her answer. She narrowed her eyes, staring at the blood. After a while, she stood from her bed, turning to face Alucard. He and Alexi were both watching her, Alexi more out of fear of what she might do next. This one was certainly hot headed. Alucard just seemed amused.
"You know vhat I zink?" Elizabeth growled, still glaring at Alucard. "What do you think, Miss Sellars..?" Alucard pured softly, still with an amused smirk. He didn't even flinch as Elizabeth threw her glass of blood right at him, the red liquid covering his snow white suit. "I zink you're all crazy. Go to Hell." Alucard stood and watched as the girl turned on her heel and stormed out of the door, slamming it behind her.
"My, my.." Alucard said, glancing over to Alexi. "She certainly has a temper." He grinned, bringing the glass to his lips, chuckling before taking a sip..
Title: Alzbeta Mephiles Concept
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Quick concept image. Still need to jazz it up for coloring, but zere ya' go. :)
Description: Quick concept image. Still need to jazz it up for coloring, but zere ya' go. :)
Title: Lost And Lonely
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Whew. First try with a tablet. Hope to get a background for it soon. ^.^
Poor Cabria. XP
Description: Whew. First try with a tablet. Hope to get a background for it soon. ^.^
Poor Cabria. XP
Title: Liz
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Not the best color job, but oh well. This is a new look for Liz; finally playing her again. ;)
Description: Not the best color job, but oh well. This is a new look for Liz; finally playing her again. ;)
Title: Alucard
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just painting practice; this was fun to do. ;)
Description: Just painting practice; this was fun to do. ;)
Title: Then And Now
Submitter: Darla
Summary: One of my newest human (well.... none-fury) characters, Katina. ;)
Here she is conforting a younger version of herself.. let's just say she didn't have a pleasant childhood. >.>
Description: One of my newest human (well.... none-fury) characters, Katina. ;)
Here she is conforting a younger version of herself.. let's just say she didn't have a pleasant childhood. >.>
Title: Test02
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Fur Test 02
Description: Fur Test 02
Title: Test01
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just testing new fur colors for Alucard; this was suppose to be a Christmas pic. :P
Description: Just testing new fur colors for Alucard; this was suppose to be a Christmas pic. :P
Title: Liz Concept
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just a quick concept pic.
Description: Just a quick concept pic.
Title: Bathory
Submitter: Darla
Summary: FINALLY! I got a good picture of Bathory up.
Bathory's Liz's wolf half; very cocky, blood-thirsty and ... annoying to some. XD
Description: FINALLY! I got a good picture of Bathory up.
Bathory's Liz's wolf half; very cocky, blood-thirsty and ... annoying to some. XD
Title: LizAlucard...Puppies
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Eheh.... the background kinda' went nuts on this one... XD
Description: Eheh.... the background kinda' went nuts on this one... XD
Title: Blood Stained Sheets
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Just something I deal while I was bored. ^.^
Description: Just something I deal while I was bored. ^.^
Title: Chained
Submitter: Darla
Summary: This turned out well, I think.
Based on a story I'm working on, where Alucard and Liz first meet. I wasn't going to add a background, then decided to play. Glad I did! ;)
Description: This turned out well, I think.
Based on a story I'm working on, where Alucard and Liz first meet. I wasn't going to add a background, then decided to play. Glad I did! ;)
Title: The Prisoner
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Another version of 'Chained'.
Description: Another version of 'Chained'.
Title: Master's Pet
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Ooold pic alert!
'Twas fun to color.
Description: Ooold pic alert!
'Twas fun to color.