Title: Alice--Concept Sketch
Submitter: Megan
Description: Alice, a servant in the Grey Keep. A young rat in her early adolescence, she dreams of learning to read and furthering her own knowledge. At the moment, all she really knows is how to survive.
Title: Death Rat--Concept
Submitter: Megan
Description: I'm working on the name. These are the guys that actually spread the disease. Since it's transmitted by fleas, they carry said fleas in a small jug. To avoid getting infected themselves, they wear what amounts to an early hazmat suit.
This is based on the early protection worn by doctors during the plague era. (Yes, bird mask and all.) Every inch of skin is covered tightly.
Title: Death Rat--Concept II
Submitter: Megan
Description: A second, more detailed version of the Death Rat ensemble, with a close-up of the freaky-deaky mask.
Title: Lady Greypaw
Submitter: Megan
Summary: Lady Greypaw
Description: Lady Greypaw...I've changed her name from 'Charlotte' to 'Catherine'. I feel like Catherine suits her better for some reason. This was me playing around with the costume and headdress.
Lady Greypaw is the ruler of the Grey Keep, the rats' colony underneath the humans' castle. She is ruling as regent since her husband's death, since her elder son Robert disappeared during the wars, and her younger son Kit is as yet too young to rule.
She's regal and dignified, and the survival of the colony and its traditions are at the forefront of her mind at all times.
Title: Lord Christopher "Kit" Greypaw
Submitter: Megan
Description: Lord Christopher "Kit" Greypaw, the younger son of Lady Catherine Greypaw. He's in his early adolescence, and still very innocent in the ways of the world. Educated and intelligent, he thirsts to know more, especially about the human world above.
Title: Lord Robert Greypaw
Submitter: Megan
Description: Eldest son of Lady Greypaw. (Used to be 'Greytail', but I changed it--it was much more fun to draw a paw on his heraldry rather than a tail!) He's believed to have died in a war...but has he really?
Title: Sir James Threeclaw
Submitter: Megan
Description: Sir James Threeclaw...ok, the name needs work. The villain of the piece. I haven't fully worked out his character yet, but he is a brilliant scientist for his time...and yet, the courtiers of the Grey Keep known him as a light, amusing and witty fellow, with no interest in further knowledge.
Yet deep within lurks a hatred of humanity and the lifestyle it has driven his kind to. He has developed a form of germ warfare, and is determined to use it to wipe out humans altogether--as well as the less deserving of his own kind--for a new, clean slate of a world.
Title: Alice in Color
Submitter: Megan
Summary: Alice--Color Study
Description: Alice--Color Study
Still playing around with the fur color. I'm concerned she doesn't look 'common' enough--but I feel like her smart and streetwise attitude comes across well. I'm a big fan of the red dress.
Title: Lady Catherine Greypaw
Submitter: Megan
Description: Catherine Greypaw is the ruler and Lady Protector of the Grey Keep. She rules the colony as regent, and will continue to do so until her son Kit comes of age.
Done in watercolor, gouache, pen, and ink. This took FOREVER due to the detail on her dress. @.X I actually wore out a crow quill on this. (Yes, I'm a dinosaur who likes her some quills rather than one of them newfangled rapidographs.)
I'm happy with how this came out--she's regal and dignified, looking like she's ready to start giving orders any minute.
Title: Grand Audience Chamber
Submitter: Megan
Description: Done in graphite pencil, the Grand Audience Chamber (aka Throne Room) is where the Lady Catherine Greypaw recieves her visitors.
Title: Kit -- Concepts
Submitter: Megan
Description: I was trying to come up with an image that reflected Lord Kit's personality, and this is the best I've done so far. I couldn't picture him wielding a sword, so he got a bow and arrow instead--suits his character better.
Title: Lord Robert -- Concepts
Submitter: Megan
Description: Attempts at some slightly more animated poses for Lord Robert. When I first drew him, I wasn't as sure of his character. Now that he's more firmly established, I feel like I've arrived at a solid concept. Woohoo!
And the blind fortune teller is a seperate concept that was doodled as an afterthought. Just FYI.
Title: jane_concepts
Submitter: Megan
Description: Lady Jane Whiptail (name pending), fiancee of Robert Greypaw. How did she go from beautiful princess to hardened warrior? Um...I'll get back to you on that one.
Title: Her Ladyship
Submitter: Megan
Summary: Needs a Name!
Description: This is another, more refined costume concept for Lady Jane. Except she doesn't look like a Jane anymore, so I'm trying to find a better name for her. Ideas?
EDIT: Ok, I named her at least. Her name is Lady Cecilia. Bow down, peasants!
Title: alice_stefano
Submitter: Megan
Title: alice_kit_sleep
Submitter: Megan
Title: Stay back!
Submitter: Megan
Description: Cecelia protects Kit from lurking danger.
Title: Before the Storm
Submitter: Megan
Description: Robert & Cecelia in happier times