Title: ClunyCornflowerBreakupcolored
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Yay for new art!
Anyone pesters me about this couple, I WILL sick the Simon on you. ;P
Description: Yay for new art!
Anyone pesters me about this couple, I WILL sick the Simon on you. ;P
Title: Mother's Day Gliders
Submitter: Darla
Summary: The gliders from a Mother's Day pic; full version can be seen here: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/55554396/
Description: The gliders from a Mother's Day pic; full version can be seen here: [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/55554396/]Mother Glider[/url]
Title: "We Don't Have To Be Monsters."
Submitter: Darla
Summary: '... James looked from the human which he held in his arms to his mate, who was looking up at him wth the most pleading expression."Please," She cooed softly, tears threatening to spill over the corners of her crimson eyes. "It doesn'
Description: ... James looked from the human which he held in his arms to his mate, who was looking up at him with the most pleading expression.
"Please," She cooed softly, tears threatening to spill over the corners of her crimson eyes. "It doesn't have to be like this... we don't have to be monsters..."
Bella looked over to Claudia, then up at James. "Sh-she's right... The Cullens have welcomed her into the family... maybe.."
She trailed off as the vampire glared down at her, but his expression did soften as he turned back to his mate.
"I thought you were happy with me, Claudia." He called, eyes narrowing as he heard the fast-paced footsteps of the Cullens, running down the alley towards him.
"I am... I could never, ever leave you, James... but..."
Claudia hung her head, looking defeated and ashamed. The tears that threatened to fall before ran down her gorgeous, angelic face.
"I want a family..." She whispered at last.
Bella watched James with a look of shock, terror and amazement. For the first time, he looked sad, torn, but most of all... defeated. Knowing he didn't have much time to decide, he turned back to Bella, their eyes locked on each other for a moment. Then, with a sigh that was both a growl, James swiftly released the girl and sprinted over to Claudia, holding her in both a loving and protective manner.
"Very well..." He whispered, smiling at the delighted look on his mate's face.
He closed his eyes, waiting for the sting of Edward's sharp teeth as they once again ripped him ito pieces.
"We don't have to be monsters.."
This I am quite proud of this; for once, an FC (featured character)actually looks how he's suppose to!
This is from a Twilight fan fic I'm working on, which takes place just before the final book. Why? I haven't read it yet, so I don't know how it goes. XD James is the villain from the first book/movie, who gets braught back to life in my story by a demon who is trying to save her human sister. She summons James to turn the girl before she dies, and so we have Claudia. ;) There should be more info in the story, if I ever get it done. XD
Title: StoryButtonCabria
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Button For The Website - Cabria
Description: Button For The Website - Cabria
Title: StoryButtonWithinADream
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Button For The Website - Within A Dream
Description: Button For The Website - Within A Dream
Title: C'mere
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Aiden (Ferisha's character) and Nazi (Nazirite) together. Awwww! ^.^
Description: Aiden (Ferisha's character) and Nazi (Nazirite) together. Awwww! ^.^
Title: Are You Sure?
Submitter: Darla
Title: For Lindy - Sara
Submitter: Darla
Title: The Doom Kat
Submitter: Darla
Title: Raze, The Hellcat. ;)
Submitter: Darla
Description: My cat, who is waiting for me in California. She's so cute... and so evil.
Title: In Days Gone By
Submitter: Darla
Summary: "Dad," Said the Puma child as he turned his large blue eyes up to stare at his father. "Zackareth said that once I was all grown up, you were gonna' kick me out." The boy frowned, looking up to his Father in a confused manner. "Ar
Description: [i]"Dad," Said the Puma child as he turned his large blue eyes up to stare at his father. "Zackareth said that once I was all grown up, you were gonna' kick me out." The boy frowned, looking up to his Father in a confused manner. "Are ya' gonna' kick me out..?"
Sevorion smiled, a soft chuckle escaping him. "Of course not, Octavian." He said softly, nuzzling his nose into the child's hair. "You are my Son. I'll always be there for you... Even after you've found some cute little cat to run off with." At this, Octavian stuck his tongue out in mock disgust, yowling, "Ew, Dad!!"
Sevorion simply laughed and pulled the boy closer, smiling happily as they both watched the sun set out of the window.[/i]
Second Life screen shot. :3
These two are actually evolutions of two of my older characters, Chernobog (Sevorion) and Chaos (Octavian). For those who don't remember them...
Chern was featured by marcus here: [url=http://www.thornvalley.com/gallery/fan/v/marcus/Night+Dance.jpg.html]Night Dance[/url]
And here's an old image of Chaos: [url=http://www.thornvalley.com/gallery/fan/v/Nazirite/TheNewStuff/valley/ChaosColored2.png.html]Chaos[/url]
And anyone who knows my love for tragic turns and corruption will know just how bittersweet this image is. Trust me, Sevorion has a very, very dark side to him. ;3
Title: Darla Loveless Rosethorn
Submitter: Darla
Summary: I've had a few people ask if I ever plan on bringing Darla back...In a way, I have in a recent RPG on Second Life. This time, of course, she's not a rat - she's tiny little Sergal. :DShe still poses most of the character she had back in the good old
Description: I've had a few people ask if I ever plan on bringing Darla back...
In a way, I have in a recent RPG on Second Life. This time, of course, she's not a rat - she's tiny little Sergal. :D
She still has most of the character she had back in the good old days. Only thing that's really changed is her species, and a slight backstory tweak.
Also, yes, I know. She's not wearing clothes. That's because that avatar is new (released today), and there has not been any clothes released for it yet. D:
She's not showing any parts, so it's all good. :P
Title: Darla In SL
Submitter: Darla
Summary: Redid Darla again in SL. This time I hand-painted her skin - that head is horrible to texture. D:Anyway, as can be seen, she is no longer a rat. she's a Blue Fox/House Cat hybrid. :3
Description: Redid Darla again in SL. This time I hand-painted her skin - that head is horrible to texture. D:
Anyway, as can be seen, she is no longer a rat. she's a Blue Fox/House Cat hybrid. :3